December 19, 2010

North Korean Official Document on Reunification

Is North Korea a mystery? I am no expert. However, in my monitoring of inter-Korean relations they have always been precise with their words. The latest incidents should come as no surprise. The North has always stated that intrusion into what they claim as their waters would have consequences.

What follows is the official document on reunification from the North Korean government. It is publicly available on the North Korean government website. I find it an interesting read. I do not condone their stance. I simply believe if the world is to address the "Problem of Korea" it should readily have access to the opinions of all sides.

Please note that I had to edit the document. All of the quotation marks and apostrophes appeared as invalid characters. I did my best to do this in the way the document appeared to be written. Also note that access to the website this is posted on is banned by the South Korean government.

Origin, essence and character of Korea's reunification issue

1) Historic origin of Korea's reunification issue

The issue of Korea's reunification has its origin in the occupation of south Korea by the US armed forces and the artificial division of the nation due to the US military presence in the south, not in any internal factor of the nation.

President Kim Il Sung said;

The Korean people, who have lived homogeneously as one and the same nation for thousands of years, have no internal reason to remain bisected in our generation. It is entirely because of the intervention and obstructive maneuvers of the foreign imperialists that our nation was divided and is not reunified up to now.

The United States, with the ambition of invading the Korean Peninsula from 100-odd years ago, set out on realizing it on a full scale during the Second World War.

Americans have regarded Korea as an important strategic base for invasion of Asia and the rest of the world. They saw this peninsula as a bridgehead the continentals and marine forces should pass through to advance from the continent to sea or from sea to the continent and as a dagger to cook up the Asian Continent at their will. So they attached great importance to the strategic position of the peninsula in materializing their plan of invasion of Asia and the world.

At the height of the Second World War, the United States intended to abuse international organizations to realize its aim of invasion.

Originally, Americans had planned to reign over the whole Korean Peninsula. At that time US President Roosevelt initiated the Plan of Trusteeship, which was an aggressive document worked out to hold the rule over Korea in place of the Japanese imperialists. Already in May 1943, he asserted that Korea should be put under trusteeship at the talks with the then British foreign minister and the US Secretary of State. He called for a 40-year trusteeship over Korea at the Teheran Conference held between November and December in 1943 and then 20-30 years of trusteeship over Korea at the Yalta Conference in February 1945. Since then Roosevelt persisted in a US-led trusteeship. Harry Truman who became the US president next to Roosevelt also advocated trusteeship over Korea.

As the United States could not realize its plan to invade the whole Korean Peninsula due to the rapid change of the situation thereafter, it schemed to occupy the southern half of the peninsula by taking advantage of the ruin of Japanese imperialism. It finally reaffirmed its plan to rule the region of the peninsula south of 38 degrees north latitude, and the US armed forces occupied south Korea under the cloak of disarming the defeated Japanese imperialist army on September 8, 1945.

Realizing military domination over south Korea, the United States intended to divide Korea into north and south and make the south a colony and military base for its supremacy over the north and Asia.

It established the US military government in south Korea in place of the Japanese imperialist governor-general and thus held the reign of the political, economic, military and all other fields of south Korea.

It turned the pro-Japanese stooges into pro-US elements to form the pro-US forces bossed by traitor Syngman Rhee in south Korea.

Americans refused to implement the resolution of the Moscow Three Ministers Conference, which decided to establish a provisional unified democratic government in Korea, even though they signed it. And when the USSR-US Joint Commission was held in Pyongyang and Seoul between March and May in 1946 and May and October in 1947 for the implementation of the resolution, they frustrated it intentionally.

In those days, Syngman Rhee and his supporters pursued the traitorous stand by following the United States that opposed trusteeship in the resolution of the Moscow Conference, whereas the patriotic people of south Korea supported the resolution.

The United States aborted the USSR-US Joint Commission and brought the Korean issue to the United Nations in September 1947, contrary to our nations demand for withdrawal of the US and Soviet troops from the peninsula and leaving the Korean issue to the Koreans. And then the United States abetted the United Nations to adopt a recommendation for general elections in north and south Korea under the UN supervision and resolved to dispatch the UN Provisional Korea Commission at the second UN General Assembly in November that year.

As a nation-wide resistance grew intensified against the UN resolution throughout the north and south of Korea, the United States convened the UN General Assembly in February 1948 to adopt a resolution on forming a separate government in the south by holding an election even in the south of Korea under the supervision of the UN Provisional Korea Commission.

According to the illegal resolution, the United States had south Korea hold a separate election in May 1948 to establish a south Korean government.

With the formation of a separate government in Seoul, the crisis of national division grew deeper and a dangerous situation was created in the peninsula.

The division and issue of the Korean nation are entirely resulted from the US military occupation of south Korea and its separatist policy.

2) Essence of Korea's reunification issue

President Kim Il Sung said;

The question of Korea's reunification is essentially the question of ending foreign domination and interference, winning the complete sovereignty of the Korean nation, removing distrust and antagonism between north and south, and achieving national unity. (Kim Il Sung Works, Vol. 35, p. 329)

The question of Korea's reunification contains two contents.

First, it is a matter of establishing the sovereignty of the nation throughout the Korean Peninsula.

It is a political issue of establishing the national sovereignty on a nation-wide scale after ending the foreign domination and interference.

To establish the sovereignty of the whole nation is a fundamental issue deciding its fate.

Independence is the life and soul of a nation. Any nation bereft of independence can neither defend its dignity and rights nor achieve genuine political independence and prosperity.

On the Korean Peninsula, the national sovereignty is yet to be established on a nation-wide scale.

In the northern part of the country, of course, the sovereignty is thoroughly ensured in all domains as the independent policies are enforced.

In the southern part, however, the situation is quite different.

That's why, the problem of realizing national reunification is to establish the national sovereignty throughout the country by withdrawing the US troops and ending the US domination there.

Next, it is a problem of rejoining the bisected lineage of the nation and realizing the national harmony and unity.

North and south of Korea have experienced misunderstanding, distrust and confrontation for more than 50 years after the division.

Our nation of the same blood kinship has not yet been reunified because of the distrust and antagonism implanted by outside forces.

For the reunification of the country, therefore, it is imperative to remove the misunderstanding and distrust between the two parts and realize national unity.

The problem of reunifying the Korean nation is not a problem of dominating and subordinating each other but a problem of terminating distrust and antagonism and achieving national unity.

The process of achieving the reunification is that of removing the misunderstanding and distrust between the two parts and attaining national harmony.

3) Character of the reunification issue

President Kim Il Sung said;

The question of reunification is an internal affair of the Korean people, in which no outside forces can be allowed to interfere. (Kim Il Sung Works, Vol. 24, p. 125-126)

The problem of Korea's reunification has its peculiar character.

It is an internal affair of the Korean nation.

Above all, it is explained by the historic origin of the division.

The history of Korea's division fundamentally differs from those of other divided nations.

After World War II, some countries agreed to convene an international conference of related nations to deal with their issues because of the subjective and objective conditions of the war and the requirement of the situation. There they acceded to division of their countries in this or that form.

The case of the Korean Peninsula is quite different. Korea is neither an invader nor a defeated country. The Korean nation had sustained the Japanese imperialist colonial rule for nearly half a century till it liberated itself through the anti-Japanese national-liberation struggle.

Therefore, it has no reason of being violated of its sovereignty by any outside forces.

And the Korean nation will invade or threat no other nations even after it is reunified, because it had long remained as a colony and had never invaded other countries.

Historically, the Korean nation is a homogeneous nation, which has lived harmoniously with the same blood kinship, same culture and same language on the same territory for thousands of years.

Therefore, there is no reason for it to have been divided.

The Korean nation has been divided entirely due to the US occupation of south Korea and its aggressive policy. It is also because of the US intervention and disturbance that the nation, which had lived homogeneously for thousands of years, has not been reunified.

Facts explain that any intervention of outside forces is not allowed in solving Korea's reunification.

No one can take place of our nation in the struggle for its reunification. Our nation itself should solve the reunification problem.

Next, Korea's reunification question is an internal affair of the nation, because it is a problem that should be solved within the bound of one nation and one state.

It is different, in nature, from the problem of forming a unified state within a multiracial country. Unification of several nations in a multiracial country is a problem of uniting different nations in a state.

Unification of nations in a multiracial country is not unity of a nation but coalition of different nations.

The unification problem in those countries therefore is not an internal affair of a nation but a problem of correlations between the nations in the state.

The problem of Korean reunification is also different from that of unifying states in a nation.

In case of uniting different sovereign states into a sovereign state within a nation it is in fact a coalition of the sovereign states in the same nation. Therefore it is not an internal issue of reunifying the nation but a problem of forming a coalition of states.

Contrary to that problem, however, the issue of Korea's reunification is the problem of unifying again the nation and the country, which were originally one, into one.

North and south of Korea were not two nations and two countries but one country and one nation, which were divided by outsiders domination and intervention. Reunification of the north and the south is to reunify the bisected one nation.

Korea's reunification is a problem of reunifying intentionally divided north and south; it is not a problem among nations or countries but a problem of one nation and one country.

That is why, no one has any right, any reason and any condition to intervene in the Korean reunification issue.

The reunification of the Korean Peninsula should be achieved by the Korean nation itself.

It is not a question to solve any class contradiction or any confrontation of social system but a nation-wide cause to establish the sovereignty of the nation throughout the country. That is, it is the common cause of the nation for the interests of the whole nation and the nation-wide cause that should be carried out by the nation itself.

4) Three charters of national reunification:

Leader Kim Jong Il has formulated the fundamental principles and ways of national reunification, which President Kim Il Sung elaborated on the basis of the Juche idea and the valuable experiences he accumulated while carrying on the cause of reunification, as the three charters of reunification.

Leader Kim Jong Il said;

The three principles of national reunification, the ten-point program of the great unity of the whole nation and the plan of establishing the DFRK constitute the three charters for national reunification by which Comrade Kim Il Sung elaborated the basic principles and methods of national reunification into an integral system on the basis of his great Juche idea and his valuable experience of the struggle to reunify the country. (Let Us Carry out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification – Eng. ed., p. 5~6)

The three charters of national reunification contain the three principles of national reunification, the ten-point program of the great national unity and the overture on founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo. The three charters are permeated with the spirit of national independence, which regards the national sovereignty and dignity as lifeblood and embody the love for the nation for reunifying the country peacefully by achieving north-south reconciliation and great unity of the entire nation. They also clarify the fairest and most reasonable and rational way of reunifying the country at an early date in keeping with the real conditions in our country where different ideas and systems have existed in the north and south for a long time and in accordance with the entire nation's aspiration after reunification. Since President Kim Il Sung set forth the three charters of reunification, the nation has been able to wage the struggle for reunification with redoubled confidence and courage on the basis of the clear-cut objective and orientation, principles and methods and successfully materialize its long-cherished desire for reunification by achieving its unity. The three charters are the banner of national reunification and the most just and realistic program of struggle for independent reunification.

Three Principles of National Reunification

5) Three principles of national reunification

The three principles of national reunification are the basic principles of reunification President Kim Il Sung initiated at conversations with the south Korean delegates to the high-level inter-Korean political talks on May 3 and November 3, Juche 61(1972).

President Kim Il Sung said;

Reflecting both the fundamental stand consistently maintained by our Party on the question of national reunification and the requirements of the rapidly-changing situation at home and abroad at the beginning of the 1970's, we advanced the three principles of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity as the basic program for national reunification. (Kim Il Sung Works, Vol. 35, p. 322)

The basic principles of national reunification are independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity advanced by President Kim Il Sung.

The three principles of national reunification – independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity -- embody the fundamental stance the DPRK has maintained to solve the reunification problem of the nation. It means that the principles embody both the stand of the DPRK on achieving the country's reunification with the nation's concerted efforts free from foreign intervention and the stand on realizing the reunification of north and south by peaceful means without resorting to arms, along with the basic demand of the nation for reunifying the country in accordance with the interests of the entire nation according to its general will.

These are the principles of action the nation should maintain in the struggle for reunification.

The three principles initiated by the President are, firstly, to achieve the national reunification independently without relying on outside forces free from their interference, secondly, to realize the reunification peacefully without resorting to arms, and thirdly to promote great national unity transcending differences in ideas, isms and social systems in both parts.

6) The principle of independence

The principle of independence is the key one of the three principles of national reunification.

The principle of independence demands essentially to reunify the country independently by the nation's own efforts without relying on outside forces.

In order to solve the reunification problem independently, it is imperative to drive the US armed forces out of south Korea and terminate the foreign intervention in Korea's internal affairs.

The US military presence in south Korea is the greatest obstacle to Korea's reunification. As long as the US troops remain there, reunification of the country is therefore unthinkable.

For the independent reunification the intervention in south Korea's internal affairs by outside forces should be rejected completely.

The invasion and interference by outsiders are materialized by the south Korean anti-national and anti-reunification forces depending on them.

The traitorous anti-reunification forces and their dependent policies should therefore be cleaned away for the independent solution of the reunification problem.

7) The principle of peaceful reunification

The principle of peaceful reunification mirrors the nation's desire for peace.

It seeks to reunify the country peacefully without resorting to arms.

This is an important principle of reunification which enables the nation to realize its desire to avoid confrontation and war between compatriots and achieve its great unity against the US crafty intention to make our nation fight against each other for its profits.

In order to reunify the country on the principle of peaceful reunification, the north and south should discontinue the arms race and reduce their armies.

The arms race is a factor of armed conflict, which will finally lead to a fratricidal war.

For the prevention of war and peaceful reunification of the country the means of aggressive war should be destroyed. To this end, it is imperative to end the arms race and reduce both armies sharply.

For the peaceful reunification both sides should also resort to dialogue and negotiations to solve all matters related to reunification.

The peaceful reunification through dialogue is the only and most reasonable way to solve the reunification question in keeping with the nation's interests and its character.

8) The principle of great national unity

This principle seeks to realize great unity of the nation, in defiance of the difference of both sides' ideologies, isms and social systems.

Above all, this principle embodies the profound principle of the Juche idea in solving the reunification problem and reflects the practical reality of the nation. It also reflects the nation-wide nature of the reunification issue for the future destiny and interests of the nation and bases itself on the scientific analysis of the realistic feasibility that the nation can realize its unity despite of different ideologies and systems.

In order to solve the reunification issue on the principle of great national unity the north and south should not force each other's ideology and system on the other.

The reunification of the country is not a problem to conquer or to be conquered by the other side but a problem to rejoin the divided territory and nation.

That is why, what poses to the fore is not the ideology or system but the problem of reunifying the bisected nation, which is originally a homogeneous nation.

If the north or the south persists in its ideology and system over the other's, under the condition that no side is willing to give up its ideology and system, one side will intend to force its ideology or system on the other side, which will inevitably cause an armed conflict between the two sides.

Therefore, both parts should strive to achieve great unity of the nation by transcending their different ideologies and systems for the sake of national reunification.

For the solution of the reunification problem on the principle of great national unity it is also important to frustrate the anti-reunification moves of the ultra rightist forces and abolish all the laws detrimental to reunification in south Korea.

Reunification of the country is a project to promote the national interests and a nation-wide work to be accomplished according to the unanimous will of the nation.

Institutional apparatuses and social conditions should therefore be arranged and the moves of the anti-reunification forces must not be allowed so that all members of the nation can take part in the patriotic struggle for reunification


9) Essence of the idea of great national unity

Leader Kim Jong Il said;

Regarding patriotism and the spirit of national independence as the basis of national unity, Comrade Kim Il Sung made it the principle of great national unity to subordinate everything to the cause of national reunification, transcending the differences in thoughts, ideas, political views and religion, and led all the people aspiring after reunification, regardless of their past records, to the way for reunification and patriotism with great generosity and magnanimity. (Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification. Eng. Ed. p. 7)

The idea of great national unity is an idea that all classes and strata should firmly unite as one, giving priority to the demands and interests common to the nation, irrespective of the differences in ideology, idea, political view and religious belief and the property and social position, to defend and realize independence of the nation.

The idea sets it as the fundamental objective to defend and realize independence of the nation and it as the basic principle for all the classes and strata to give priority to the demands and interests common to the nation, irrespective of the differences in ideology, idea, political view and religious belief and the property and social position, to defend and realize independence of the nation.

It is the most thoroughgoing idea of national independence and noble idea of love for the country and the nation.

The unity aimed by this idea is the great unity of the whole nation for defending and realizing independence. The idea becomes a thoroughgoing idea of national independence and noble idea of love for the country and the nation because it sets the realization of independence as the fundamental objective of national unity.

The idea is an idea of most magnanimous national unity.

It comprehends all members of the nation. As it sets the most magnanimous standard of unity acceptable to everybody, it advances the most correct principle of great national unity on which all members of the nation can unite as one.

That all classes and strata should firmly unite as one, giving priority to the demands and interests common to the nation, irrespective of the differences in ideology, idea, political view and religious belief and the property and social position, is the basic principle of great national unity put forward by the idea of great national unity.

10) Contents of the ten-point program of great national unity

Leader Kim Jong Il said;

The ten-point program of the great unity of the whole nation for the reunification of the country is a political program to strengthen the motive force of national reunification by achieving the unity of the entire nation. (Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification. Eng. Ed. p. 5)

The ten-point program of the great unity of the whole nation for the reunification of the country clarifies the general objective, ideological basis, principle and ways of great national unity, reflecting the noble desire of the 70 million fellow countrymen at home and abroad. It is a program of patriotism and reunification permeated with the idea that the interests of the whole nation should be placed above the interests of specific classes or strata, a charter of national unity for ending the confrontation within the nation and realizing reconciliation and unity of the nation and a great political program on solving all problems in the national viewpoint with the spirit of mutual respect and concession and embracing all people with magnanimity and leading them to the road of national prosperity.

Leader Kim Jong Il has defined the ten-point program of great national unity authored by President Kim Il Sung as one of the three charters of national reunification.

11) Objective of great national unity

The objective of great national unity is to found a unified state, independent, peaceful and neutral, through the great unity of the whole nation.

The north and the south should found a pan-national unified state which can represent all parties, groupings and all the members of the nation from all walks of life, while leaving the existing two systems and two governments as they are. The pan-national unified state should be a federal state in which the two regional governments of the north and the south are represented on an equal footing, and an independent, peaceful and nonaligned neutral state which does not lean to any great power.

12) Ideological basis of great national unity

The ideological basis of great national unity is that unity should be based on patriotism and the spirit of national independence.

All the members of the nation should link their individual destinies with destiny of the nation, warmly love the nation and unite with one will to defend the independence of the nation as its life and soul. With the dignity and pride of our nation, they should reject flunkyism and national nihilism that erode the nation's consciousness of independence.

13) Principle of great national unity

Unity should be achieved on the principle of promoting coexistence, co-prosperity and common interests and subordinating everything to the cause of national reunification.

The north and the south should recognize and respect the existence of different ideas and ideologies and systems, and enjoy progress and prosperity together, neither side encroaching upon the other. They should promote the interests of the whole nation before regional and class interests and direct all efforts to the accomplishment of the cause of national reunification.

14) Way of great national unity

Firstly, all manner of political disputes that foment division and confrontation between the fellow countrymen should be stopped and unity be achieved.

The north and the south should refrain from seeking or fomenting confrontation, cease all manner of political disputes and stop hurling abuses and slanders at each other. They, the same fellow countrymen, should not be hostile to each other but jointly counter foreign aggression and interference by the united efforts of the nation.

Secondly, they should dispel fears of invasion from the south and from the north, prevail-over-communism and communization altogether and believe in and unite with each other.

The north and the south should not threaten and invade the other. Neither side should try to force its system on the other and to absorb the other.

Thirdly, they should set store by democracy and join hands on the road to national reunification, not rejecting each other for the difference in isms and principles.

They should ensure freedom of debate on and activity for reunification and not suppress, make reprisals on, persecute and punish political opponents. They should not charge anyone with pro-north or pro-south tendencies but release and reinstate all the political prisoners so that they may contribute together to the cause of national reunification.

Fourthly, they should protect material and spiritual wealth of individual persons and organizations and encourage them to be used favorably for the promotion of great national unity.

Not only before the reunification but after it they should recognize the state ownership, cooperative ownership and private ownership and protect the capital and property of individual persons and organizations and common interests with foreign capital. They should recognize social honor and qualification of individuals in all domains including science, education, literature, art, speech, the press, health service and sports, and continue to ensure the benefits granted to persons of meritorious services.

Fifthly, the whole nation should understand, trust and unite with one another through contacts, travels and dialogues.

All the obstacles to contacts and travels should be removed and the door be flung open for travels to all without discrimination.

All the parties, groupings and people of all social standings should be given equal opportunities for dialogue and bilateral and multilateral dialogues be developed.

Sixthly, the whole nation in the north and the south and overseas should strengthen solidarity with one another on the way to national reunification.

Things beneficial to national reunification should be supported and encouraged in an unbiased manner and things harmful be rejected together in the north and the south and overseas, and all should keep pace and cooperate with each other, each going beyond his own narrow enclosure. All the political parties, organizations and people of all walks of life in the north and the south and overseas should be allied organizationally in the patriotic work for national reunification.

Seventhly, those who have contributed to the great unity of the nation and to the cause of national reunification should be highly estimated.

Special favors should be granted to those who have performed feats for the great unity of the nation and the reunification of the country, patriotic martyrs and their descendants. If those who had turned their back on the nation in the past return to the road of patriotism, remorseful of their past, they should be treated leniently and be assessed fairly according to their contributions to the cause of national reunification.


President Kim Il Sung, on the basis of the profound principles of Juche and the situation of our country, advanced the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo at the Sixth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea in October Juche 69(1980).

The proposal for founding the DFRK is the most realistic and reasonable one embodying the three principles of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity.

It is the most realistic and reasonable overture to hasten the independent and peaceful reunification of the country, the long-cherished desire of the Korean people.

15) Essence of DFRK overture

President Kim Il Sung said.

Our Party maintains that the country should be reunified by founding a Federal Republic through the establishment of a unified national government on the condition that the north and the south recognize and tolerate each other's ideas and social systems, a government in which the two sides are represented on an equal footing and under which they exercise regional autonomy with equal rights and duties.

The essence of the DFRK overture is to reunify the country by founding a Federal Republic through the establishment of a unified national government on the condition that the north and the south recognize and tolerate each other's ideas and social systems, a government in which the two sides are represented on an equal footing and under which they exercise regional autonomy with equal rights and duties.

One of the important aspects in the essence of the DFRK overture is that the country should be reunified through the establishment of a Federal Republic on the condition that the north and the south recognize and tolerate each other's ideas and social systems.

This means that the north and the south do not impose their ideas and systems upon each other but form a federal state through federacy, leaving the ideas and systems in the north and the south as they are.

To reunify the country through the establishment of a Federal Republic is the most ideal and reasonable way to realize the peaceful reunification, leaving the different ideas and social systems existing in the two parts as they are.

Another important aspect in the essence of the DFRK overture is that the country should be reunified by founding a Federal Republic through the establishment of a unified national government in which the two sides are represented on an equal footing and under which they exercise regional autonomy with equal rights and duties.

This means that a unified government is formed with an equal number of representatives from the north and the south and, under the guidance of the unified government, the north and the south exercise regional autonomy with equal rights and duties.

This tells that the DFRK is a unified state of a peculiar type in which a unified national government is formed to represent the entire nation and the two regional governments exercise regional autonomy and act independently with equal rights and duties under the guidance of the unified government.

Generally, there is not the principle in other federal states that the central government is formed with an equal number of representatives from member states (provinces). Also, there is not the principle that the member states and provinces exercise autonomy without exception.

In many cases the central government is formed in proportion to the population of member states (provinces) and the member states (provinces) do not exercise autonomy but are put under strict control and guidance of the central government.

In case of our country, however, the federal republic is established with differing ideas and social systems. Therefore, if the central government is formed in proportion to the population, it may enforce biased and unequal policies to victimize the interests of the party with lesser population and secure the interests of the party with more population. Then, the existence of the federal republic itself will be questionable.

If the state power is concentrated on the central government, paralyzing the autonomy of the regional governments, the national interests can be secured on a nationwide scale but the ideological and systematical interests of both regions will be victimized. Therefore, it will be meaningless to form a federacy with the ideologies and systems as they are.

In order for the federal republic to be a unified state and secure the interests of both sides as well as the prosperity of the whole nation, the central government should be formed with an equal number of representatives from the north and the south and an appropriate number of representatives of overseas nationals and the regional governments should exercise regional autonomy under the guidance of the central government.

16) State machinery and rights in the DFRK overture

President Kim Il Sung said;

It will be reasonable if, in the unified state of a federal type, a supreme national federal assembly is formed with an equal number of representatives from the north and south and an appropriate number of representatives of overseas nationals; this assembly should also form a federal standing committee to guide the regional governments of the north and south and to administer all the affairs of the federal state.

The machinery of the unified government of the federal republic consists of the supreme national federal assembly and the federal standing committee.

The supreme national federal assembly is the supreme power organ, whereas the federal standing committee is the permanent organ of the assembly.

The supreme national federal assembly is formed with an equal number of representatives from the north and south and an appropriate number of representatives of overseas nationals and the federal standing committee is formed by the assembly.

In establishing a federal republic the distribution of rights among the central and regional governments arises as a principled matter.

Generally, among the federal states are centralized federal ones in which the rights are mainly concentrated on the central government and some rights are granted to the regional governments and decentralized federal ones in which the rights are concentrated on the regional governments and the central government exists as a symbolic being.

The DFRK overture elucidates this problem in accordance with the requirements for national reunification.

If the federal republic becomes a centralized one, it can be positive in realizing reunification on a high level but will assume a negative aspect as well because the systematical interests of both regions will be victimized.

On the contrary, if the federal republic becomes a decentralized one, the central government will be a mere symbolic one, though it will be positive in defending the regional interests of both parts.

Therefore, the distribution of power between the federal and regional governments must be settled on the principle of subordinating it to realizing national reunification while fully considering the interests of both regions.

17) Rights and duties of the unified government

According to the proposal for founding the DFRK, the unified government of the federal republic has the rights and duties to guide the regional governments in the north and south and administer the overall affairs of the republic.

First of all, the unified government consults and settles common issues of the nation related with the interests of the whole nation, such as the political, national defence and foreign affairs.

Politics is the fundamental. The economic, national defence and foreign affairs are determined by politics.

Therefore, if the political power is transferred to the regional governments instead of the central government, the central government will be deprived of the authority as a unified state and the federal republic established for national reunification will be meaningless.

In order for the federal republic to be a unified state for reunification, it should be provided with the political authority.

So is the right to national defence.

The federal republic is established on the basis of national reconciliation, trust and unity between the north and south.

There is no reason for the south and the north to confront and war with each other in a unified state.

Therefore, the right to national defence should belong to the central government, not the regional governments.

If the two regional governments have the right to national defence as ever in a federal state, the factors of confrontation between the north and south will continue to exist. Then, though a federal republic is established, the factors of antagonism and confrontation within the nation cannot be removed.

With the right to nation defence, the federal government will exercise the function of defending the sovereignty of the nation against the outsiders' aggression.

If the federal government has the right to diplomacy and represents the nation at international organizations such as the United Nations, the federal republic can be a federacy for reunification both nominally and virtually. If the north and the south are represented respectively at international organizations, the federal state will be a means for legalizing national division.

Therefore, the right to diplomacy should belong to the central government in order for the federacy serve for reunification.

Like this, the central government should be provided with the functions related to the common interests of the nation such as the political, national defence and foreign affairs and serving for national reunification.

Besides, the unified government actively promotes the work to realize collaboration and exchange between the north and south and unified development of the country and the nation.

Though the nation is reunited with the founding of a unified state, the national community cannot be recovered at once.

The unified government therefore should realize collaboration and exchange between the north and south in all fields such as politics, economy and culture to rejoin the severed ties of the nation and recover its community for the coordinated development of the nation.

Besides, it should respect the two social systems, as well as the wishes of the administrative organizations, every party, every group, and every section of the people in the north and south and prevent one side from imposing its will on the other.

As the federal state is formed with different social systems and various political parties and public organizations with different political views exist in it, the federal government should do fair politics in consideration of the systematical interests of both sides and respect the intention and interests of all political organizations to the maximum.

If one side imposes its intention and demand on the other or holds a privileged position, victimizing the interests of the other side, the unified state cannot maintain its existence.

The unified government therefore should be fair toward both the north and the south, respect the intention of all political parties and public organizations to the maximum and prevent one side from exercising a privilege toward the other.

18) Rights and duties of regional governments

President Kim Il Sung said;

Under the leadership of the federal government, the regional governments in north and south should follow an independent policy within limits that are consistent with the fundamental interests and demands of the whole nation, and strive to narrow down the differences between north and south in all spheres and to achieve the coordinated development of the country and the nation.

The regional governments conduct independent activities under the leadership of the federal government.

Under the leadership of the federal government, they exercise control over relevant parts of the whole nation under the jurisdiction of the federal republic.

Under the leadership of the federal government, they follow an independent policy within limits that are consistent with the fundamental interests and demands of the whole nation and perform independent rights and duties as regards the affairs related to the systematical interests in their regions.

The regional governments should strive to narrow the difference between the north and the south and achieve the coordinated development of the country and the nation.

In the DFRK the central government shoulders the heavy rights and duties of consulting and deciding common issues of the nation related to the interests of the whole nation, whereas the regional governments are charged with the rights and duties to settle the issues related to the interests of their regions while enforcing regional autonomy under the leadership of the central government.

19) Principle of action of the unified state

President Kim Il Sung said;

It is envisaged that the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo to be established by the coalition of the north and the south in accordance with our Party's new national reunification proposal will be a unified state representing the whole of the Korean nation and as such pursue an independent, democratic, neutral, non-aligned and peace-loving policy.(Kim Il Sung Works, Vol. 36, p. 357)

The action principle to be maintained by the DFRK is independence, democracy, neutrality and peace.

First of all, the DFRK should be an independent state, unified and sovereign.

Independence is the basic mark of an independent state; it is the lifeblood of the country and the nation. Only when a state exercises sovereignty with firm independence in its activities can it uphold the dignity and honor of the nation, ensure the development and prosperity of the country in keeping with the desires of the people and firmly adhere to independence in international relations.

The DFRK should also embody the democratic principle in all spheres of the state activities.

Democracy is a common political idea desirable for and acceptable to people with differing thoughts and political views, and is a noble right due to people from all walks of life as masters of the state and society.

The DFRK should guarantee political freedom and democratic rights for those with different ideas, religious beliefs and political views and those belonging to different political parties and public organizations and provide all people with the conditions to take part in state affairs as masters.

The DFRK should maintain the line of neutrality in state activities.

There are two reasons for the Federal Republic to maintain neutrality.

One of them is that the Federal Republic is established through the coalition of the two regions with different ideas and systems.

As the Federal Republic is established through the coalition of the two regions with different ideas and systems, if it follows a policy of placing too much emphasis on a specific country externally or joins a certain political-military alliance or bloc, contradictions and disputes will happen in the unified state and the federal state will be unable to maintain its existence.

It is therefore inevitable that the Federal Republic maintains the line of neutrality in international relations.

The neutrality of the DFRK is attributable to an external factor as well as such an internal one.

In the international arena the interests of different countries get tangled and the imperialists are intensifying the maneuvers for aggression and intervention.

Furthermore, the Korean nation has undergone outsiders' invasion historically.

In order to maintain its existence and realize national prosperity under these circumstances, the unified state should adhere to the neutral line externally and forge ties of friendship and cooperation with all the countries that treat it with friendship and goodwill.

The DFRK should be a peace-loving country.

Historically, the Koreans have neither threatened nor invaded other nations.

The Korean nation achieved independence after suffering from the Japanese imperialist colonial rule for nearly half a century but has been divided owing to the US imperialist aggressors who illegally occupied south Korea in place of the defeated Japanese imperialists.

The unified state will oppose an aggressive war imposed by outsiders, reject an aggressive war against other countries and nations and follow a thoroughgoing peace-loving policy.

20) Name of the unified state

President Kim Il Sung said;

It would be a good idea to call the federal state the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo, after a united state that once existed in our country and is well known to the world; such a name will also serve to reflect the common political aspirations of the north and south for democracy.

Koryo is the name of the first unified state of Korea that had long existed. Korea, which is widely known in the world, originates in Koryo.

Koryo is universal in the north and the south and is congenial to the sentiments of the Korean nation.

Democracy does not mean the character of a socio-economic system but the political mode.

Democracy is a common political aspiration which all those with different ideas and political views in the north and south can sympathize with and accept.

Republic, a conception opposed to absolute monarchism, means a representative state system.

It is most reasonable therefore to call the federal state the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo, in consideration of the common political aspirations of the north and south for democracy and representative politics.

21) The reason why the DFRK overture becomes the most reasonable and realistic proposal

Firstly, the DFRK overture correctly reflects the conditions of our country where different ideas and social systems exist in the north and the south.

Different ideologies and social systems have existed in the north and south of divided Korea.

Under this condition the most realistic way to realize the peaceful reunification of the country is to establish a unified state through the coalition of the north and south, leaving the existing ideas and systems as they are.

If the north and the south absolutize the difference in idea and system and attaches importance to it, the reunification issue cannot be settled peacefully. If one side tries to impose its idea and system on the other, it will inevitably give rise to confrontation and conflict and the peaceful reunification of the country cannot be realized.

In the present situation where different ideas and systems exist in the north and south, the most reasonable and realistic way to reunify the country is to found a federal state, leaving the ideas and systems as they are.

Secondly, the DFRK overture is the fairest proposal considering the interests of the north and the south altogether.

The proposal envisages that a federal state is founded on the basis of tolerating the different ideas and systems in the north and the south and a unified government is formed with an equal number of representatives from the north and the south.

In the federal state the north and the south will exercise regional autonomy with equal rights and duties and the federal state will maintain the line of neutrality externally.

The proposal also advances a fair state name acceptable both to the north and the south.

Thus, the DFRK overture defines everything fairly so that the federal state can represent the interests of the north and the south equally and prevent them from having privileges against each other and interfering in each other's affairs.

Thirdly, the DFRK overture is based on full possibilities.

It is fully possible to reunify the country leaving the different ideas and systems in the north and the south as they are.

First of all, the entire nation aspires after reunification.

Besides, different ideas and systems can exist in a country.

This tells that the Korean people can certainly reunify the country through the formation of a federal state, leaving the different ideas and systems as they are.

22) Characteristics of the DFRK overture

Firstly, the DFRK proposal is fundamentally different from other federal states in the objective of its foundation.

In history there have been various kinds of federal states. Some of them were aimed at realizing annexation and unification of nations, and others at efficiently materializing the rule of big powers over small and weak nations.

The former Soviet Union was founded as a federal state for the common purpose of strengthening friendly ties among national states and realizing the development of the country and nations.

Such sovereign states as the United Republic of Tanzania established federal states on the basis of the commonness of their positions in the past and out of the purpose to defend their sovereignty from the imperialists' aggression and successfully carry out the building of a new society.

Our federacy, however, is for the reunification of the nation divided by outside forces.

Secondly, the DFRK is a unified state to be formed with one nation and two systems.

The north and the south, though they have different social systems, have deep-rooted commonness as a homogeneous nation formed and consolidated through a long history.

A federal state can be established on the basis of this commonness.

Thirdly, the DFRK differs from other federal states in the legal and logical basis.

The existing federal states are the federation of different nations and states or the federation of different nations and autonomous provinces. That is, they are the coalition of different nations.

The north and the south of Korea, however, are the two parts of one nation.

The DFRK is based on the schema, law and logic of one nation, one state and two systems, two governments in accordance with the situation of the country. In other words, it envisages that a federal state is established on the basis of the commonness as a homogeneous nation with the north and the south as autonomous regions within a federal state, not independent sovereign states.

Fourthly, it is characterized in the principle of formation of a federal state.

Generally, other federal states have not the principle that the government and the parliament are formed with an equal number of representatives from the member states.

The administration and the federal assembly of the DFRK, however, are formed with an equal number of representatives from the north and the south.

As it is based on different social systems, its administration and assembly should be organized with an equal number of representatives in order to fair policies for both sides.

Other federal states, as they consist of different states and nations, form the upper and lower houses with the representatives from the states and nations.

In the DFRK established by a homogeneous nation, the assembly is formed as a unicameral legislature with the representatives from the north and the south.

Fifthly, the DFRK is a neutral state.

Among the federal states in the world are those following a neutral policy and those not pursuing it.

The DFRK requires a neutral policy in its external activities because it is established with different systems, socialism and capitalism.

Therefore, it should persistently follow a neutral line for its existence.

23) Originality of the DFRK overture

Firstly, it is an original proposal indicating the way of reunification according to the national ideal, giving priority to the nation.

President Kim Il Sung said;

No ideas and isms would be of any use to a person bereft of his country and nation. (Kim Il Sung Works, Vol. 4, p. 254)

The difference of social systems existing in the north and the south, though it is great, cannot be compared with the national commonness formed through a long history of 5,000 years.

The proposal for reunifying the country by founding a federal state leaving the different systems in the north and the south as they are is an original one that indicates the way to successfully solve the reunification issue according to the principle of Juche, giving priority to the nation and transcending the difference in idea and system.

Secondly, it is an original proposal which illumines the way for the countries divided by outside forces to reunify their countries.

If the country is reunified according to the DFRK overture, national sovereignty will be established across the whole country and a unified state will be formed to exercise jurisdiction over the south and the north of Korea, restoring the severed national ties between the north and the south.

Thirdly, it is an original proposal indicating a new state formula in human history.

Since sovereign states appeared in the world, two forms of state have existed at large. One of them is a unitary state form, the other a federal one.

The federal states as well as the unitary ones are based on one social system.

The DFRK, however, is the first type of federation in human history, a unified state formed on different ideas and systems.

In case of regional autonomy, too, it is the autonomy of different nations based on one social system in multinational states. The regional autonomy in the DFRK is realized within one nation with two different social systems.

The regional autonomy enforced amongst different nations is to secure the interests of the nations in the region within the limit of realizing the common socio-political interests, whereas the regional autonomy in the DFRK is enforced for the purpose of securing the independence and interests of different systems within the limit of realizing the common interests, that is, to narrow the difference between the north and south in all domains, realize unity and cooperation and achieve the coordinated development of the nation.

24) Ten-point policy of the DFRK

To adopt the policies of a unified state means shaping the basic policies to be carried out by it.

The policies of a unified state serve as the banner of struggle to hasten the country's reunification and provide the united nation with prosperity and happiness in accordance with the common aspiration and demand of the whole nation.

Advancing the new reunification proposal for founding the DFRK through the coalition of the north and the south, the great leader President Kim Il Sung scientifically clarified the policies to be carried out by the federal state.

The ten-point policy of the DFRK is consisted of the political, economic, military, cultural and diplomatic programs.

25) Political programme of the DFRK

What is important in the ten-point policy of the DFRK is the political program which reflects the common aspiration of the nation to realize independence of the country and the nation.

The political programme of the DFRK is, firstly, to realize independence of the country.

President Kim Il Sung said;

The DFRK should adhere to independence in all state activities and pursue an independent policy.

The ten-point policy of the DFRK clearly indicates the way for the federal state to realize national independence.

It stipulates that the DFRK should be a fully independent and sovereign state and a non-aligned nation which is not a satellite of any other nation and does not depend on any foreign forces.

The political program of the DFRK is, secondly, to realize the political idea of democracy and great national unity.

The ten-point policy notes that the DFRK should develop a full democratic social and political system which opposes dictatorship and intelligence politics and firmly guarantees and defends the freedoms and rights of the people.

The federal state should guarantee freedom to form political parties and social organizations and their freedom of action, freedom of religious belief, speech, the press, assembly and demonstration, and guarantee the rights of the people in north and south to travel freely across the country and to conduct political, economic and cultural activities freely in any area.

As the federal state is established on different ideas and systems, it should not pursue class ideas and institutional interests but conduct its activities according to the principle of great national unity and national ideal.

The political program of the DFRK is, thirdly, to defend the national rights and interests of all overseas compatriots and open the way for them to participate in the domestic socio-political activities with equal rights with those at home.

It notes that the DFRK should make vigorous efforts to enable all Korean nationals living abroad to enjoy their internationally accepted legal rights and liberties, and give them strong support and encouragement in their struggle for democratic national rights.

It also stipulates that the federal government should guarantee the rights of all the overseas compatriots to travel freely to their motherland and to return home and live and act freely at a place of residence of their choice and provide them with the right to participate in the political affairs of the country.

26) Economic program of the DFRK

President Kim Il Sung said;

The DFRK should effect economic cooperation and exchange between north and south and ensure the development of an independent national economy.

Firstly, the federal state should build an independent national economy on a nationwide scale.

An independent national economy means an economy with a comprehensive economic structure and an all-embracing economic system in which every branch of the economy is organically interrelated, with the national state as a unit. It means an economy relying on one's own solid bases of raw materials, fuel and power and technical cadres and equipped with up-to-date technology.

Secondly, the federal state should realize diversified economic cooperation and exchange between the north and the south.

The federal state should ensure that the north and the south jointly develop and exploit natural resources to realize inter-Korean economic cooperation and secure the coordinated development and independence of the nation economy, while coordinating the economic activities of all production units and enterprises in keeping with the interests of the various classes and circles.

It should further the division of labour and promote trade extensively between the north and south on the principles of cooperation and mutual accommodation and set up and operate joint companies, common markets and the like rationally. Only then, it can realize substantial economic cooperation and develop the economies of the north and south to make them an organically interlinked independent national economy.

The economic program also notes that the federal government should recognize and protect state, cooperative and private property in the north and south as well as personal effects, and refrain from restricting or encroaching upon the property of capitalists and their business activities as long as they help develop the national economy and do not engage in monopolist or comprador activities.

Thirdly, the federal state should ensure a stable livelihood for the people.

The federal state should give priority to stabilizing the lives of the people from all social strata including the workers, peasants and other sections of the working people and to promoting their welfare.

It should ensure a decent life for everyone by guaranteeing adequate living conditions for the entire working people with regard to food, clothing and shelter and raise the living standards of all people at an early date.

Fourthly, the federal state should reopen transport and communications links between the north and south and ensure the free use of them all across the country.

27) Cultural programme of the DFRK

President Kim Il Sung said;

The DFRK should realize north-south exchange and cooperation in the spheres of science, culture and education and ensure the uniform progress of the country's science and technology, national culture and arts, and national education.

This program is based on the situation of our country and possibilities.

The Korean nation has time-honored, glorious cultural traditions.

If the scientists and technicians, as well as talented cultural workers and artists, in the north and the south pool their efforts and talents through exchange and cooperation, the nation's science and technology, national culture and arts will flourish even more brilliantly.

The program points out that scientists and technicians in the north and south should establish Juche in the scientific domain, undertake scientific research jointly and exchange their experience and achievements on a wide scale so that science and technology can develop in a unified way in the country.

It also notes that the federal state should establish Juche in the national culture and arts, actively encourage exchange and cooperation between artists and sportsmen from the north and south and ensure that the scientists in the two halves together uncover and protect the cultural heritage of our nation and that they study and develop our unique written and spoken language. If this is done, our national culture and arts will flourish to the full.

Besides, the federal government should train large numbers of able technical experts and steadily raise the cultural and intellectual levels of the entire people by developing a popular education system and giving active state and social support to educational work.

28) Military program of the DFRK

President Kim Il Sung said;

The DFRK should remove the state of military confrontation between the north and south and form a combined national army to defend the nation against invasion.

Firstly, the federal state should remove the state of military confrontation between the north and south and eliminate the factors threatening peace before organizing joint defense of the nation.

The federal state should reduce the military strength of the two sides to 100,000-150,000 men each in order to end the state of military confrontation between north and south and eliminate the factors threatening peace in the state.

Secondly, the federal state should form a single national army by amalgamating the armies of both sides.

Only then, can the federal state realize a joint defense of the nation and guarantee the security and independence of the country militarily.

29) Diplomatic program of the DFRK

Firstly, the DFRK should deal properly with the foreign relations established by the north and the south prior to reunification and coordinate the foreign activities of the two regional governments in a unified manner.

President Kim Il Sung said;

The DFRK should deal properly with the foreign relations established by the north and the south prior to reunification, and should coordinate the foreign activities of the two regional governments in a unified manner.

Firstly, the federal state should deal properly with the foreign relations established by the north and the south prior to reunification.

Among the foreign relations built up by the north and south prior to reunification will be those beneficial and those detrimental to the nation.

Therefore, this issue should be settled properly.

The DFRK should repeal all the treaties and agreements with other countries that are detrimental to national unity, including military treaties concluded separately by the north and the south prior to reunification. Of the foreign relations established by the north and the south, those relations, economic relations included, that do not run counter to the common interests of the nation should be maintained.

While permitting the two regional to establish bilateral relations with other countries, it should coordinate the foreign relations of the north and the south properly in accordance with the common interests of the nation.

It should leave intact the capital invested by other nations in south Korea prior to the reunification of the country and continue to guarantee the concessions of these countries.

Secondly, the DFRK should, as a unified state representing the whole nation, develop friendly relations with all the countries of the world and pursue a peaceful foreign policy.

The DFRK should be the only representative of the entire Korean nation in its foreign relations.

It should defend the interests of the nation and world peace and adhere to the line of neutrality and peace.

It also should develop friendly relations with all nations on the principles of independence, noninterference in internal affairs, equality, mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence.

Besides, the federal state should ban the presence of foreign troops and foreign military bases on its territory and prohibit the manufacture, introduction and use of nuclear weapons to make the Korean peninsula a permanent peace zone and nuclear-free zone.

Five-point policy of great national unity

30) Five-point policy of great national unity

In the letter Let Us Reunify the Country Independently and Peacefully through the Great Unity of the Entire Nation dated on April 18, Juche 87(1998), leader Kim Jong Il elucidated the immortal feats President Kim Il Sung achieved by advancing the original idea of great national unity and materializing it throughout the history of struggle for the liberation of the nation from the Japanese colonial rule, building of a new country and reunification of the country. He also initiated the five-point policy of great national unity so as to achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country true to the President's idea of great national unity.

The five-point policy consists of the principle of national independence, unity of the entire nation under the banner of patriotism, the banner of national reunification, improvement of relations between north and south of Korea, rejection to domination and interference of foreign forces and fight against the traitors, the anti-reunification forces, who are in collusion with foreign forces, mutual travel, contact, dialogue and solidarity of all the Korean nationals.

31) For great national unity based on the principle of national independence

Leader Kim Jong Il said.

Great national unity must be based thoroughly on the principle of national independence. (Let Us Reunify the Country Independently and Peacefully Through the Great Unity of the Entire Nation Eng. ed. p. 9)

The principle of national independence is in essence the principle of regarding independence as the lifeblood of the nation, defending and embodying it from start to finish. That is, it rejects flunkyism and dependence on, domination and subjugation by foreign forces and solves all problems related to the nation's destiny by its own efforts according to its judgment and true to its demand and interests.

Leader Kim Jong Il stressed that the principle of national independence is the key to the question of the nation and the very basis for great national unity

It means that the principle of national independence is the very fundamental principle out of the principles guaranteeing successful solution of national questions and the very basis for great unity of the entire nation.

Thus, he has given the scientific answer to the essence of the theory of the nation and the theory of great national unity.

32) For unity of the nation under the patriotic banner of national reunification

Leader Kim Jong Il said.

The entire nation must unite under the banner of patriotism, the banner of national reunification. (Let Us Reunify the Country Independently and Peacefully through the Great Unity of the Entire Nation Eng. ed. p. 10)

All the Koreans in the north, south and abroad should unite closely under the banner of patriotism, the banner of national reunification, irrespective of the class interests and the difference in their ideologies and systems, political views and religious beliefs.

All the members of the nation -- workers, farmers, intellectuals, youths and students, urban petty-bourgeoisie, national capitalists, politicians, businessmen, men of culture, religious men and soldiers – should unite in the fight for national reunification, with a view to making active contribution to the cause of reunification.

Leader Kim Jong Il said that, on the principle of not inquiring into the past, they would approach with generosity those who truly repent their mistake and try to contribute to the cause of national reunification even though they went the wrong way against the nation in the past and would join hands with them for the reunification.

He said that they would also unite with south Korean high-ranking officials of the government, figures from the ruling and opposition parties, conglomerateurs and army generals under the banner of great national unity, if they value the common interests of the nation and desire reunification of the country.

33) For improvement of inter-Korean relations

Leader Kim Jong Il said.

The north and south must improve their relations in order to achieve the great unity of our nation. (Let Us Reunify the Country Independently and Peacefully through the Great Unity of the Entire Nation Eng. ed. p. 13)

The north and the south should achieve harmony, promote co-existence, co-prosperity and common interests and open the way to national reunification, while recognizing each other's ideology and system.

If the south Korean authorities change their policy of anti-north confrontation into the policy of reconciliation and alliance with the north, the bilateral relations will develop into trust and reconciliation and a new phase open for unity and reunification of the nation.

They need to change the confrontation policy against the north into reconciliation and alliance and take the road of national reconciliation and unity on the patriotic standpoint.

In south Korea the fascist laws, institutions and all other political barriers detrimental to unity and reunification of the nation must be cleaned away.

34) To fight against foreign forces and anti-reunification forces

Leader Kim Jong Il said.

For the great unity of our nation, we must reject domination and interference of the foreign forces and fight against the traitors to the nation, the anti-reunification forces, who are in collusion with the foreign forces. (Let Us Reunify the Country Independently and Peacefully through the Great Unity of the Entire Nation Eng. ed. p. 14)

Domination and interference of the foreign forces is the major obstacle to unity and reunification of the nation.

The successive rulers of south Korea, at the instigation of foreign forces, built a high wall of division, intensified the political and military confrontation against the north and cracked down on the south Korean people desirous of independence, democracy and reunification. They also made every scheme to disunite the patriotic, democratic forces in their struggle for reunification.

Apart from the struggle against the foreign domination and interference and the divisive force at home and abroad, it is quite impossible to achieve unity and reunification of the nation.

All the Koreans at home and abroad need to wage a nationwide struggle against the foreign domination and interference, in order to root up the cause of obstruction to national unity and reunification. They should also struggle against the anti-reunification policies the traitors pursue in collusion with outside forces for their personal splendor and authority in disregard of the nation's destiny.

The patriotic, democratic force desirous of reunification need to sharpen their vigilance and unite themselves against the cunning tricks of the separatists.

All the political parties, organizations and individuals should put up the unity, reunification and their supreme demand and strengthen their organizational unity and solidarity.

35) For unity of all Koreans in north, south and abroad

Leader Kim Jong Il said:

For the great unity of the nation all the Koreans in the north, south and abroad must visit one another, hold contacts, promote dialogue and strengthen solidarity.(Kim Jong Il Works, Vol. 14, p. 425)

Wide-ranging visits, contacts, dialogues and solidarity among our fellow countrymen are one of important ways to great unity of the nation.

Cherishing the noble idea of great national unity and reunification of the nation, all our compatriots in the north, south and abroad should strive to realize the travel, contact, dialogue and organizational solidarity.

Dialogue between the north and south must be geared to national unity and reunification.

The dialogue must not be a monopoly of a few men in power or of a particular class or section. It must be an all-embracing, nationwide dialogue to collect the opinion of all political parties, groupings and individuals. Representatives of all parties and public organizations including authorities of the north and south, and public figures and people in the north, south and overseas should be allowed to take part in the dialogue for reunification. It needs to arrange bilateral and multilateral dialogue and negotiations of various forms.

The great unity of the entire nation will be realized and consolidated when the Korean compatriots develop joint actions and solidarity in the struggle for national reunification. All the political parties, organizations and individuals at home and abroad should support and keep pace with each other and take joint actions for reunification of the country.

North-South Joint Declaration and independent reunification of the nation

36) Significance of the historic Pyongyang summit meeting

The historic inter-Korean summit meeting was held in Pyongyang from June 13 to 15 in 2000 for the first time in 55 years after the nation was divided.

First of all, the Pyongyang summit meeting was a fruition of the outstanding ideology, leadership and resolute decision of leader Kim Jong Il, sun of the nation and lodestar of national reunification.

Leader Kim Jong Il said;

To reunify the country is the long-cherished desire and supreme task of the nation.

The 20th century, for our nation, was full of vicissitudes.

Since the country was divided by outside forces, in particular, the Korean nation with a 5,000-year-long history has remained divided into north and south and lived in hostility and confrontation for more than half a century. It was the worst tragedy and greatest misfortune for the nation.

President Kim Il Sung, who was anxious more than others else over the national division and regarded the country's reunification as the best gift he could give to the nation, laid down the everlasting and solid foundations for national reunification and prosperity by pioneering and leading the struggle for it in the van.

Leader Kim Jong Il, regarding it as his mission to carry out the President's cause of reunification, did his utmost to make a turning phase of national reunification with a steel-strong will to materialize the President's instructions and the nation's long-cherished desire for reunification.

At the changing point of the century, he, fathoming the nation's desire and the situation of the country, arranged the Pyongyang summit with his seasoned and energetic leadership to open a turning-phase of reunification.

Next, the historic Pyongyang summit demonstrated internally and externally that with no amount of maneuvers the anti-reunification forces could dampen the nation's firm volition to reunify the country.

The Korean nation has remained divided for more than half a century entirely because of the anti-reunification forces of the United States and south Korea.

The history of the national division showed the lesson that the entire Korean nation should unite against the anti-reunification forces maneuvering to keep Korea divided forever. That is, reunification of the country can be realized at an early date only when all the members of the nation turn out in the reunification movement.

The nation's will to reunify the country has become an irresistible trend despite of the frantic moves of the anti-reunification forces.

At that time, inter-Korean summit talks were arranged in Pyongyang.

The Pyongyang summit was a brilliant fruit of Kim Jong Il's idea and leadership for reunification. It is also a historic event, which made a radical turn in the nation's drive for reunification.

37) Historic significance of the North-South Joint Declaration

The June 15, 2000 North-South Joint Declaration was a historic declaration which put an end to the tragic national history of the 20th century and proclaimed to the world that a great history of the Korean nation would open in the new century.

The significance of the joint declaration is above all that a new program of national reunification has been made by the prominent ideology and leadership of leader Kim Jong Il, which all the Korean nationals in north, south and abroad should hold up in the new century.

The bygone century for our nation was a century of tenacious struggle to end the tragic history woven with flunkyism and national ruin, dependence on foreign forces and national division. But the nation's cause of sovereignty was confronted with grave challenges.

The nation's task to make the new century a century of national reunification and prosperity is now being carried on by leader Kim Jong Il.

With a daring resolution, he arranged the inter-Korean summit talks and signed the joint declaration in Pyongyang for the first time in the history of national division so as to use the developing domestic and international situation in favor of the reunification drive of the nation.

The adoption of the joint declaration by Kim Jong Il is an event recorded with red letters in the nation's history.

The vitality and attraction of Kim Jong Il's excellent leadership were fully manifested in those days when he put the inter-Korean relations of antagonism and confrontation on the track of harmony and reunification and stirred up the nation-wide movement for reunification.

With the adoption of the joint declaration, a new era of independent reunification has begun, when the whole nation is realizing the country's reunification with its own efforts as the master of the issue, and a bright prospect of reunification has opened.

Next, the nation has been provided with a great programme for achieving independent reunification with its concerted efforts in the new century and all the Korean nationals at home and abroad can expedite the struggle for reunification dynamically.

The joint declaration is a declaration of national independence, with which the nation can solve the reunification issue by itself. It is the basic spirit and core of the declaration.

The joint declaration stipulates that reunification should be realized independently by the concerted efforts of the nation. Thus it mirrors the nation's determination and aspiration to terminate its division and achieve reunification at an early date.

Since the programme of independent reunification in the 21st century was adopted, the nation has been able to reunify the country with its united efforts in defiance of the challenges of the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad.

The joint declaration is creating a favorable international climate for early reunification of Korea as the progressive people of the world render their full support to it. It is another significance of the declaration.

After the adoption of the joint declaration the world has extended great support to our nation. In particular, the European countries which had been in hostile relations with the DPRK, have supported the declaration and set out on improving their relations with it.

In conclusion, the June 15 joint declaration is a historic declaration which enjoys world-wide support and response and urges all the Korean nationals at home and abroad to achieve the country's reunification as soon as possible with their concerted efforts.

All the Korean people should join in the nation-wide struggle to achieve the historic cause of national reunification true to the joint declaration.

38) The article on national independence of the June 15 joint declaration and the theory of permission of the US military presence in south Korea

The first article of the North-South Joint Declaration says "the north and the south agreed to solve the question of the country's reunification independently by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation responsible for it". It is the essence of the declaration.

Some impure elements of south Korea, however, allege that the joint declaration "did not involve the issue of US troops pullout from south Korea" and it may be interpreted as "permission of the US military presence in south Korea" in an attempt to distort the declaration.

It is an anti-national and anti-reunification attempt to distort the essence of national independence and further to deny the joint declaration itself.

The national independence means that a nation becomes the master of its destiny. In other words, it means that a nation deals with all its problems independently as the master of the problems.

The national independence does not permit foreign domination and intervention but rejects any military presence of other countries within the nation.

The US armed forces in south Korea are the root cause of Korea's division and the substantial existence denying the independence of the Korean nation. There can be no independence of the Korean nation as far as the US military presence continues in south Korea. It little differs from the denial to the national independence itself.

This is a serious intention to scrap the joint declaration, the milestone of reunification in the new century.

The Korean nation should frustrate the anti-reunification and anti-national maneuvers of the separatist forces.

39) Questions arising in realizing reunification of the nation independently with its concerted efforts as stipulated in the North-South Joint Declaration

The first article of the June 15 joint declaration says that the north and the south agreed to solve the question of the country's reunification independently by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation responsible for it.

National independence is the fundamental in reunifying the country. Without the national independence it is impossible to terminate the foreign domination over and interference in south Korea and achieve the country's reunification.

For independent reunification it is imperative above all for all the Korean nationals at home and abroad to have consciousness and firm intention to solve the reunification question independently.

Today the Korean nation is dynamically struggling to independently reunify the country, holding aloft the joint declaration as the milestone of reunification in the new century.

Contrary to the nation's powerful movement for independent reunification, however, there is a pseudo theory in south Korea on reunifying the country by dint of outside forces, not relying on our nation's efforts, or through cooperation with the outsiders, not through cooperation with the same nation in the north.

Standing in the van of the group that tries to worsen inter-Korean relations and disturb the implementation of the joint declaration in collusion with foreign forces are the "Grand National Party" and other anti-reunification rightist forces of south Korea. Soon after the joint declaration was published, they alleged that the article of national independence "may hurt Americans' sentiment and may lead to withdrawal of the US forces from south Korea". They also called for scrapping of the joint declaration and "security cooperation with the United States'.

In order to activate the nation's drive for reunification into an independent movement against such allegations of the south Korean ultra rightist forces, all the Korean people at home and abroad, who are masters of national reunification, should have a high consciousness and firm intention to accomplish the reunification cause with the nation's own efforts.

The whole nation should have the self-consciousness and will to reunify the country with its internal forces true to the spirit of the July 4 North-South Joint Statement in the 1970s, the North-South Agreement in the 1990s and the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and wage a dynamic struggle to hasten the country's reunification.

For the independent reunification it is also imperative to end the foreign domination and intervention detrimental to reunification.

The United States is the ringleader of Korea's division that has divided our nation and obstructed the reunification for more than five decades contrary to the nation's aspiration.

It still harbors an ambition of domination over the whole Korean peninsula, maintaining their aggressive forces in south Korea as ever. In this century, it is intensifying its domination and intervention in the internal affairs of Korea and upgrading the maneuvers to stifle the DPRK.

The current situation shows that all the Korean nationals should activate the struggle to independently realize the country's reunification so as to end the US domination over and interference in south Korea, drive out the US troops from the south, secure peace on the Korean peninsula and achieve reunification at an early date.

40) Low-level federation

The second article of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration touches on the low-level federation.

President Kim Il Sung set forth the overture when he met with Rev. Mun Ik Hwan of the south toward the close of the 1980s and reaffirmed it in his 1991 New Year Address and the ten-point programme of great national unity thereafter.

Elucidating the realistic and rational formula of the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo, he emphasized that the country should be reunified in the form of federation when he met with Mun Ik Hwan in March 1989. He added that the north and the south of Korea should realize the federation-form reunification by one effort or in a gradual way through their discussion.

In the 1991 New Year Address he reaffirmed that under the condition that two different social systems exist in the north and the south of the country, the reunification of the nation should be realized in the form of federation based on one nation, one state, two systems and two governments on the principle of not conquering the other side or not being conquered by the other.

For an easier agreement of the whole nation on the DFRK formula, he said, the federation-form reunification should be realized gradually in the direction of granting great authority to the regional governments of the federation tentatively and of enhancing more and more the competence of the central government in future.

In the ten-point programme of great national unity, he noted that the north and the south should head toward peaceful reunification of the nation by doing what they can do, while ensuring co-existence, co-prosperity and common interests on the principle of recognizing and tolerating each other's system and ideology.

41) National cooperation and "cooperation with outsiders"

The historic North-South Joint Declaration stipulates that the Korean nation should achieve reunification independently by its concerted efforts, thus calling for reunifying the country through inter-Korean cooperation.

Even after the publication of the joint declaration, however, some of south Korean politicians assert that "south Korea-US cooperation alone can correctly forward the relations with north Korea", alleging for "solid foundation of the south Korea-US cooperation" and "priority to the south Korea-US cooperation".

Can the nation's issue be solved only when priority is given to the "south Korea-US cooperation" and "cooperation with outsiders" and when the close ties with the United States are maintained?

The "cooperation with foreign forces" can never coexist with national cooperation.

The United States is the very ringleader that has imposed misfortunes and sufferings upon our nation for more than half a century after dividing Korea into two. Even today Americans, in collusion with the south Korean pro-US forces, maintain Korea's division and threaten the peace and security of the Korean peninsula.

The assertion for solution of the Korean issue by the cooperation with foreign forces is not interpreted otherwise but as an effort to expand the US domination and interference from the south to the whole of the peninsula.

National cooperation between north and south conduces to inter-Korean reconciliation and cooperation for independent development and reunification of the nation, whereas the "cooperation with outside forces" leads to US domination over and intervention in the Korean peninsula and to the implementation of the US policy of aggression.

The genuine national cooperation is targeted to reject the "cooperation with outsiders" and to solve the national issue on the principle of national independence.

Even after the publication of the June 15 joint declaration, the anti-reunification elements of south Korea have persistently advocated the 'cooperation with foreign forces" against the demand and interests of the nation, thereby threatening the peace and security of the country.

All efforts should therefore be made to realize the inter-Korean cooperation on the position of rejecting 'close ties with outsiders" and "south Korea-US alliance" and of independently achieving Korea's reunification by the concerted efforts of the nation.

42) "The principle of reciprocity" advocated by anti-reunification elements in south Korea

Since the publication of the June 15 joint declaration, reconciliation, cooperation and exchange have been promoted in different channels between the north and the south of Korea, thus recording remarkable successes.

In that course, the south has rendered fraternal aid to the north in regard with flood and other natural damages.

In this regard, anti-reunification elements of the south advocate the "principle of reciprocity". It is a very dangerous effort to create artificial obstacles to the inter-Korean relations and return the relations to the situation of distrust and confrontation.

In the international community as well, even those countries in hostile relations with each other do not spare humanitarian aids despite of the difference in their ideologies and social systems. And they never pick up the term of "reciprocity". Much more is it the case with the humanitarian aid to the fraternity. It is quite unreasonable to advocate the "principle of reciprocity".

Originally, reciprocity is a conception used among states. It means the equal competence in trade or exchange of personnel which are performed among countries according to the equivalent exchange.

That's why, reciprocity is used to ensure the equal competence in trade or other sorts of exchange among countries, not in the humanitarian aid.

On whatever pretext, in particular, "the principle of reciprocity" is not proper in case of fraternal steps for the same nation.

The argument that the north should repay the aid from the south and the claim for "reciprocity" to the aid to the fellow countrymen and for "necessity of verification" cannot be interpreted otherwise than an impure trick to disturb national reconciliation and cooperation and further to scrap the joint declaration itself.

The north and the south should keep due vigilance against the argument of south Korean anti-reunification forces and strive to promote national reconciliation and cooperation as stipulated in the joint declaration.

43) Implementation of the North-South Joint Declaration and DPRK-US relations

In the new century, the Korean nation, while striving to implement the historic June 15 joint declaration, demands the US give up its hostile policy toward the DPRK, because it is a fundamental obstacle to Korea's reunification, and reshape the DPRK-US relations in favor of reunification.

That's why, the issue of implementation of the joint declaration and the DPRK-US relations come to the fore, along with the issue of how to solve them.

The implementation of the joint declaration and the DPRK-US relations are separate issues interrelated with each other.

Firstly, they are separate problems.

The essence of the joint declaration is to solve the problem of Korea's reunification with the concerted efforts of the nation on the principle of national independence.

The issue of national independence originates from the lesson of the nation's history full of sufferings, in which the Korean people have sustained the disgrace of national ruin and division due to flunkyism and treachery, from the current situation of the world where despotism of the dominationists grows stronger and from the urgent demand to terminate the division of the country that has lasted for more than half a century and reunify it as early as possible.

To reunify the country by the nation itself means that the Korean nation is the master of Korea's reunification and the reunification can be achieved by itself. Accordingly, no foreign intervention is allowed in solving the reunification problem to rejoin the bisected blood ties of the nation and regain its sovereignty throughout the country, and it is a basic principle to reject outsiders' intervention.

The DPRK-US relations can be settled only when the latter abandons its hostile policy of isolating and stifling the former and establishes a relation with it on the principle of respecting sovereignty and equality. In other words, it is an issue of ending the abnormal hostility between the two countries and ensuring a relation of mutual benefit and equality.

Secondly, the implementation of the inter-Korean joint declaration and the DPRK-US relations are interrelated.

For the successful implementation of the declaration true to the independent requirement and interests of the nation, it is imperative to create a favorable climate for peaceful reunification of Korea.

One of the important problems in creating good conditions for the peace and reunification of the Korean Peninsula is to make the US give up its hostile policy toward the DPRK and discontinue various forms of military exercises to stifle the north and pull its troops and military equipment out of south Korea.

It will become the basis for durable peace and security of the Korean peninsula.

As long as the US policy of supremacy reigns over the peninsula, durable peace and security are never feasible.

Therefore, all the Korean nationals at home and abroad should make efforts for normal relations between the DPRK and the United States, while striving to reunify the country with the concerted efforts of the entire nation.

As seen above, the implementation of the joint declaration and the relations between the DPRK and the US are in correlation.

Here no one is allowed to discuss which is the first and which is the second in the correlation.

Both the problems should be promoted for early reunification of the nation.

Songun politics and national reunification

44) Songun politics and national reunification

The Songun (army-centered) politics is the politics for the promotion of reunification, security and prosperity of the nation.

The Songun politics is not only a perfect mode under the current situation but also a patriotic one protecting the interests of the whole nation including the south, to say nothing of the north. It safeguards the existence and sovereignty of the entire nation.

It secures the sovereignty and dignity of the nation to the maximum, enabling the nation to achieve reunification with its concerted efforts.

Under the current international relations, it is quite impossible to defend the dignity and sovereignty of every nation and country with the previous modes of politics.

Sovereign states are destroyed one after another and the sovereignty and dignity of nations are trampled down by the US strategy of supremacy and strength. It is an everyday occurrence of the international community.

Entirely thanks to the Songun politics, however, the DPRK reliably defends national sovereignty and dignity, while opening a bright prospect of reunification.

The repeated victories of the DPRK in the showdown with the United States in the 1990s, the historic Pyongyang summit meeting between the north and the south of Korea and publication of the June 15 joint declaration in 2000, the dynamic march of the Korean people along the path they selected with redoubled confidence and optimism in spite of the intensified maneuvers of the Bush Administration to stifle the DPRK – these are all the rich fruits of the Songun politics.

As the power of the DPRK has grown incomparably and its sovereignty and dignity are secured to the full by the Songun politics, the unprecedented era of reconciliation and cooperation has opened in the inter-Korean relations and the nation's drive for reunification has developed onto a higher stage.

Next, the essential content of national reunification requires the mode of Songun politics.

The reunification issue is in essence to rejoin the severed blood ties of the nation and establish national sovereignty throughout the Korean Peninsula.

The greatest and fundamental obstacle to reunification of Korea is the US military presence in south Korea.

The United States is the ringleader of Korea's division. It is making every effort to get its hegemony of this peninsula, violating our nation's sovereignty.

In order to stop the infringement upon our sovereignty and achieve the country's reunification, the long-cherished desire of the nation, it is imperative to enforce the Songun politics. Only then, is it possible to make Americans abandon their policy of aggression toward the DPRK, secure peace in this peninsula and realize peaceful reunification of the Korean nation.

Reunification and sovereignty of the nation are secured only by the Songun politics.

Leader Kim Jong Il's Songun politics unprecedented in all ages and in all countries is the most just mode of politics protecting the dignity and sovereignty of the nation, which helps accomplish the cause of national reunification.

45) Songun politics and peace of the Korean Peninsula

Since the 1990s, peace has been jeopardized owing to persistent tension and confrontation on the Korean Peninsula. Even though a war like the Gulf War, the Yugoslavian War and the Afghan War has not broken out in this peninsula, the confrontation was as acute as a war.

But there was neither a war nor a national tragedy. Why?

It is entirely thanks to the Songun (army-centered) politics of leader Kim Jong Il. It is just the Songun politics that secures the peace of the Korean Peninsula.

Above all, it strengthens remarkably the national power enough to defeat any formidable enemies by strengthening the People's Army and the internal forces of the revolution.

The Korean people could victoriously advance the cause of Juche with confidence and optimism during the unheard-of "Arduous March" and the forced march, and it is a result of Kim Jong Il's great Songun politics and Songun leadership.

The 1990s was indeed a harsh decade of years. The Korean people experienced the greatest national mourning ever in the history of the nation and tremendous food shortages due to natural disasters, plus the acute confrontation with the imperialist allies and the south Korean anti-reunification forces.

Really, the Korean people had stood at the crossroads of life or death.

Just at that juncture, leader Kim Jong Il proclaimed the Songun politics by visiting a unit of the People's Army in the New Year day of 1995. Since then he has traversed the road of Songun leadership to strengthen the army in every way and expedite the socialist construction. Thus he has developed the DPRK into a power no force dares to provoke.

Under the Songun politics the DPRK has ensured peace and security against the danger of war in this peninsula.

Next, the Songun politics deters a war and secures peace even under the unstable situation in Korea.

When the Songun politics appeared, the world people had not correct understanding of it. Some people approaching with hostility toward the DPRK abused it as a "military state" or a "military despotism", and some political and social figures of other countries were skeptical about it, viewing it as a political mode rare in the world. And some south Koreans doubted lest it would be a political method for reunification by force of arms.

As the original purport and vitality of the Songun politics were proved, however, the world people began to understand that it was an excellent mode of politics to protect the DPRK's sovereignty and dignity and secure peace of the Korean peninsula.

Its vitality and validity were manifested by the fact that more than 60 countries of the world held seminars, forums and other functions, over 300 rounds in all, to study and disseminate it.

The Voice of America said that the Songun politics of north Korea will affect the whole world.

Now different countries of the world call for strengthening of their national defense power. It is an eye-catching development that efforts are being made in different countries to pay due attention to the military affairs and increase their own military power to secure their sovereignty, while promoting their own development and prosperity.

The Songun politics contributes much not only to the global peace but also to the peace of the Korean peninsula.

When the small and weak nations of the world were undergoing irretrievable calamity and sufferings, entangled in tragic wars, the DPRK alone, highlighted as a sy0mbol of sovereignty and dignity, could take positive, practical steps to secure peace against the danger of war in Korea and foil the US strategy of aggressive war.

Really, the Songun politics has contributed much to the peace and security of Korea and will bring about reunification and prosperity of the Korean nation in the future.

46) Songun politics and DPRK-US relations

The relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States imply termination of the hostility and establishment of a new relationship between the two countries on the principle of sovereignty, mutual respect and equality in conformity with the requirement of the new century. Contrary to the unanimous desire of the world progressives for peace and security of the Korean Peninsula, the DPRK-US relations repeat the vicious circle of tension and showdown entirely owing to the US policy of strength for supremacy.

Americans say they are ready to solve the relation between the two countries outwardly. Practically, however, they continue to resort to containment and war moves with a view to achieving their aggressive aim of supremacy.

Having accumulated enough experiences of war through the Yugoslavian War and the Gulf War, they worked out war plans against the DPRK, thus increasing the danger of war in the 1990s. They made a "120-day war scenario", the "OPLAN-5027" and other sorts of aggressive war plans, while circulating the fictitious "nuclear crisis" of the DPRK between 1993 and 1994, the "missile crisis" after 1995 and the "crisis of underground nuclear test" in 1998.

The war plans the Pentagon have worked out so far are enough to carry out a war against the DPRK. It is well proved by the US invasion of Grenada and Panama in the 1980s, the Gulf War and the Yugoslavian War in the 1990s and the Afghan War in 2001.

Then what foiled the US war plans?

It is just the invincible power of Kim Jong Il's Songun politics.

In the 1990s the DPRK displayed its power to the full in defiance of the worst crisis and difficulties entirely thanks to the Songun politics and Songun leadership of leader Kim Jong Il.

The self-confidence that the servicepersons and people will defend their leader with their single-hearted unity and the spirit of devoted implementation and that they can win victory against any formidable enemies by strengthening the army and arming all people and their steel-strong will to resist the toughness of the enemy with their ultra toughness and make all those who provoke their country find no shelter on this globe – these have showed a matchless power unprecedented throughout the world. It was indeed a symbol of dignity and sovereignty. Americans could never dare to provoke the DPRK, for the power of the Songun politics.

It is the method of action under the Songun politics to answer a war with war and dialogue with dialogue, and it is the nerve of the DPRK, the country under the Songun politics, to imposingly exercise its sovereignty under whatever pressure from outside. It is just what the Songun politics affects the relations between the DPRK and the United States.

A chief researcher at the Hawaii Oriental Institute said;

"North Korea has, first, the spirit of self-explosion Americans dread most, second, the means to strike the heart of the United States, which gives Americans horror, third, the trap of armament of all people and fortification of the whole country, which Americans think as the most troublesome obstacle, fourth, the single-hearted unity of the strong army and powerful people, which Americans dread most, and fifth, Chairman Kim Jong Il of the DPRK National Defense Commission, who, as the genius of the military affairs, leads all the afore-said things."

The Bush government put the DPRK in the list of "preemptive nuclear strike", a "terrorism-supporting state" and part of an "axis of evil" and is hell bent on the preparation of aggressive war. The Korean Peninsula, however, is not governed by Bush's logic of strength but by the Songun politics of the DPRK. It is a truth to be proved by practice.

Thanks to the might of the Songun politics, the authority of the DPRK has been enhanced remarkably in the international community, West European countries competed with each other to establish diplomatic ties with the DPRK and great events such as the publication of the historic 2000 inter-Korean joint declaration took place. Facts tell that the relations between the DPRK and the United States will bear good fruits sooner or later by an initiative of the Songun politics.

Incidents and Crisis in the Korean Peninsula

47) US spy ship Pueblo Incident

The US spy ship Pueblo incident was caused as the Pueblo had infiltrated deep into the territorial waters of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for espionage and was captured by the navy of the Korean People's Army, and on that pretext, the United States strained the Korean situation to the brink of war.

On January 23, 1968, KPA marine troops on a patrol duty captured the Pueblo on spot when it was committing espionage activity deep in the territorial waters off Wonsan, a northern coastal city of the DPRK. At that time, Korean navies shot to death the US troops who recklessly resisted and captured over 80 troops, along with the ship and its equipment. That was quite a reasonable self-defensive step.

Nevertheless, Americans asserted that their ship was captured in the open sea and it didn't commit espionage, in an effort to bring the DPRK to the knees through military threat.

The United States mobilized a huge armed force enough for a war against the DPRK. It dispatched large combined fleets including 70,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Enterprise, 60,000-ton aircraft carrier Ranger and 33,000-ton aircraft carrier Yorktown, plus a flotilla composed of 25 cruisers and destroyers. It also enrolled over 14,600 reservists to commission, 732 jet fighters, spy planes and transport planes, stopped discharge of 133,000 reservists of the navy, concentrated over 300 war planes in the Japanese bases, increased the number of B-52s to 75 in the Far East and moved two squadrons of fighter planes and many warships from the Okinawa Base of Japan to south Korea. In addition, south Korea, at the instruction of the United States, newly formed many combat divisions, armored corps and combat flying wings, suspended discharge of service persons, extended the service term of the army, organized the 2.5 million strong "Homeland Reserve Forces" and increased military bases and facilities across the country.

Washington threatened that it would use nuclear weapons if the DPRK refused to return Pueblo. Owing to the US moves to unleash a new war against the DPRK, the situation of Korea was tensed to the extreme. A war might break out at any moment.

President Kim Il Sung, in his historic address "On the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Korean People's Army" on February 8, Juche 57(1968), proclaimed an inflexible stand, saying that the DPRK government and people would answer the "retaliation" of the enemy with retaliation and an "all-out war" with an all-out war.

Pressed by the resolute stand and power of the DPRK, Americans surrendered and recognized their crimes at last. They singed a document, which apologized for the spy activities and hostility of Pueblo and pledged to prevent recurrence of such incidents. Thus US imperialists could take delivery of the dead bodies and over 80 troops through the Panmunjom truce village.

48) US reconnaissance plane EC-121 incident

The reconnaissance plane of the US Navy EC-121 violated the territorial sky of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on April 15, 1969. Fighters of the Korean People Army shot down EC-121 and its crew with an air-to-air missile.

The news put the US government into a great confusion.

The Nixon administration dispatched a task force of aircraft carriers to the Korean waters. The task force was composed of four aircraft carriers including Enterprise and Ranger, one more than that in the Pueblo incident. The battleship New Jersey set out to protect scouts. Hundreds of bombers and fighter bombers were concentrated in south Korea.

To cope with the situation, President Kim Il Sung put the whole country on a wartime structure and ordered the entire army to take alertness to take an all-out counterattack.

Frightened by the war readiness of the DPRK, Americans gave up the alleged "retaliatory" offensive and ordered their armed forces home.

49) The Panmunjom Incident

The Panmunjom incident was a premeditated provocation south Korea-based US troops committed in the bound of the Panmunjom Joint Security Area of Kaesong, southern city of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, on August 18, 1976.

At 10:45 a.m. that day, 14 GIs led by an officer approached a Korean People's Army post in the vicinity of the Panmun Bridge on a truck and began to cut down a tree there. As the Korean People's Army soldiers stopped the US troops, they, defiling the Korean soldiers, threw choppers and sticks at them.

Four Korean guards could not but take a self-defensive step. They fought heroically against the enemies. In that conflict two American troops were killed and some others injured.

Americans, who prepared the case beforehand, photographed favorable scenes and presented the "materials of the case" to the UN Security Council, asking it to distribute the pictures as its official document. The Pentagon put the south Korea-based US forces on "emergency alertness" and "war posture". It moved supersonic jet fighters A-4s, F-111s and aircraft carrier Midway-led task force of the US 7th Fleet from America and 1,800 marine troops from Okinawa, Japan to south Korea.

Owing to the US moves for a war, the Korean situation was strained to a crucial point, which might turn to a real war at any moment.

Under the situation President Kim Il Sung ordered all of the KPA units and members of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the Red Youth Guards to take a war posture.

Frightened by the resolute stand of the Korean people, Americans abandoned the haughty attitude and surrendered to the Korean people.

50) 1993-1994 Nuclear Crisis

The 1993-1994 nuclear crisis was a very dangerous case created by the United State, which might touch off a war in the Korean Peninsula. It was an outcome of the US moves to stifle the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. As it could not destroy the DRPK with the "strategy of peaceful transition'", Americans, in cooperation with their imperialist allies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, intended to press Pyongyang to accept the IAEA's inspection of its nuclear facilities, with a view to building a hegemonic world order in this peninsula by disarming and incapacitating the DPRK.

They described the 5Mw atomic power research reactor in Nyongbyon as a research reactor for "nuclear weapons development" and circulated the faked-up rumour so as to stifle the DPRK. To this end, Washington escalated the strategic "nuclear issue' against the DPRK.

Washington officials fabricated information about "nuclear symptom", "nuclear development" and "possession of nuclear weapons", spread the information through mass media and had scholars process it against the DPRK. The US government politicized it, while abetting its followers and international organizations to internationalize the concocted problem.

Under Washington's influence, the IAEA Secretariat and the United Nations Security Council applied a biased standard to the Korean "nuclear issue" The IAEA Secretariat, under the control of Washington, adopted "resolutions" one after another against the DPRK and brought the nuclear issue to the United Nations on the cloak of "nonfulfilment of the IAEA nuclear safeguards agreement". The regular and irregular inspections of the Korean nuclear facilities the IAEA conducted in those days were not inspections to testify the nuclear materials in store presented by the DPRK but the inspections the United States did in the name of the international organization on the basis of information it concocted to stifle the DPRK. The IAEA offered secret materials of the inspection systematically to the United States and other countries hostile to the DPRK, violating the provision of the safeguards agreement on protecting the inspection results. The UN Security Council was also abused as a place of illegally discussing the "nuclear issue" of the DPRK in violation of the aim and principles of the UN Charter.

In a word, the inspections of the nuclear facilities of the DPRK were in fact "joint inspections" by the United States, the IAEA and other imperialist allies.

While intensifying political offensives against the DPRK for "nuclear inspection", the United States revealed its intention to strangle it by force of arms.

The Pentagon reexamined the "OPLAN-5027", a war scenario against the DPRK, conducted different kinds of the US-south Korea joint military exercises and resumed the temporally suspended Team Spirit.

To cope with the nuclear crisis created on the Korean Peninsula, the DPRK proclaimed a semi-war state and put the country under a semi-war structure on March 8, 1993 and seceded from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty on March 12 that year. While reinforcing the self-defensive military power to safeguard its sovereignty and dignity, it declared that it would answer the "toughness" of the United States and its imperialist allies with ultra toughness and that any one that provoked it could not go scot-free anywhere of this planet.

Pressed by the principled, self-defensive and resolute stand of the DPRK, Washington could not but suspend the nuclear crisis it had created and asked for a dialogue for fair settlement of the "nuclear issue".

Thus, the DPRK and the US adopted the Agreed Framework for fair solution through dialogue based on the principle of impartiality.

51) Shoot-down case of a US helicopter in 1994

A US army helicopter based in south Korea was shot down by a self-defensive step of the Korean People's Army in the territorial air of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in December 1994.

At 10:45 a.m. December 27 that year, a US army helicopter infiltrated deep into the air over Ipho-ri, Kumgang County. Kangwon Province of the DPRK at altitude of 150m along the mountain valley of the upper stream of the Nam River in Kosong County, the same province. The helicopter with two crewmen aboard had committed the espionage activities twice over the DPRK. At first, it flew carefully along the southern-tip area. That day, however, it went deep into the northern sky, taking advantage of the cold and cloudy weather. The distance between a post of the Korean People's Army and the spy plane was 700-800 meters. The situation admitted no delay. The helicopter could run away over the demarcation line if the moment was missed. The pilot, frightened at the moves of Korean soldiers, took higher altitude and speeded up to run away.

Just at that moment a squad leader of the KPA unit triggered a rifle at the enemy plane. A crewman was killed on spot and another was captured.

This is the truth of the US helicopter shoot-down case in 1994.

Americans did not approach directly to Pyongyang but made useless efforts to solve the case in a round way through other nations. They asked to send back the caught pilot by Christmas Day that year.

The DPRK, asserting it did not celebrate Christmas, declared that the helicopter man would be sent on the New Year's Day world people observed all together.

The case was solved after Americans negotiated directly with the DPRK.

52) The Korean West Sea Incidents

The Korean West Sea incidents took place by intrusion of the territorial waters of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and military provocation by the south Korean naval force under the instructions of the United States on June 15, 1999 and on June 29, 2002.

On June 15, 1999, south Korean navy vessels sank down ships of the north Korean navy and fired machineguns and guns at other vessels in the DPRK territorial waters southeast of Ssanggyo-ri, Kangryong County, South Hwanghae Province.

The south Korean navy infiltrated 12 war ships deep into the territorial waters of the north and ordered them to turn to the "collision-type attack operation". According to the order, the vessels in an attack formation collided against the vessels of the north and fired over 150 shells and over 7,000 shots of machineguns.

In the military provocation, navy troops of the Korean People's Army were threatened of their life, one of the nay vessels was scuttled down and three were destroyed seriously.

The June 29, 2002 conflict between north and south navy vessels took place due to reckless provocation of the south, which produced unexpected loss of soldiers and vessels. The incident was caused by the south Korean navy vessels as they infiltrated into the north's waters and fired hundreds of shots of machineguns at the north's guard ships on a sea duty.

The intrusion of south Korean navy vessels into the north's territorial waters and their forestalling fire were irrefutably a provocation, whereas the counter-fire of the north's ships was a self-defensive step.

The root cause of the two naval conflicts is the "northern limit line".

The south side alleged that the north's vessels violated the "northern limit line". But it is a bogus line the United States drew arbitrarily in the north's sea zone without any negotiation with the north after the conclusion of the Korean Armistice Agreement, which paid no word to the "northern limit line".

The Armistice Agreement, in Article b, Provision 13, stipulates that five islets in the north between South Hwanghae Province of the north and Kyonggi Province of the south are under the control of the US Forces Korea. But it never mentions the right to the territorial waters. After the conclusion of the agreement, therefore, the vessels of the south Korea-based US forces could not but take the round way of the open sea to reach the five islets in the north. It proves that the US side has recognized the right to sea guard as described in the armistice agreement.

Nevertheless, the south Korean navy infiltrated into the territorial waters of the north, committed armed provocations against the north's vessels and then claimed the "northern limit line", which neither the armistice agreement, nor the north, nor others recognize. It is really an illegal and intentional act to strain the situation of the Korean peninsula to the verge of war.

Practically, the United States hurriedly sent the latest nuclear-powered submarines, cruisers and AWACs to the south, while keeping aircraft carriers Constellation and Kittyhawk off the Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, the Pentagon put fighter planes, bombers and antimissile units in the US mainland on alert so as to dispatch them to Korea.

Taking advantage of the arms reinforcement of the United States, the south Korean army ceaselessly committed military provocations against the north by intruding its battle ships into the north's sea.

The same can be said about the June 2002 West Sea incident.

To say parenthetically, the military provocation was committed when the Bush government was intensifying its tough policy against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as never before.

Bush named 2002 as a "year of war", picked up the DPRK as part of an "axis of evil" and stated possibility of "preemptive nuclear strike" against the DPRK in the "Nuclear Posture Review Report".

The 2002 West Sea conflict took place under that crucial situation. If that conflict expanded further more, it might develop to a war in the Korean peninsula.

The two rounds of the West Sea military conflicts, as premeditated military provocations, were caused according to the sinister intention of the US and south Korean hawkish groups to drive the Korean situation to a verge of war.

Entirely thanks to the principled and peace-loving efforts of the DPRK, however, the conflicts did not spread.


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