April 3, 2010

Anti-American Sentiment 2

Mr. Smallwood has responded to my previous rant: http://speakingkorea.com/?p=1432.

I consider myself a patriot of the United States of America. This requires me to speak out honestly and openly about any failings or wrong doings my mind perceives. While living in the U.S.A. I was more often (ignorantly) labeled as a communist. I am quite ashamed of my country's recent history and current path. I am very much against warring and I will not stop speaking my mind until the Earth is bathed in Peace. The only way for this to happen is to have free and truth based dialogues.

My prior post on this subject (http://mcvanderbockheimsteinski.blogspot.com/2010/04/anti-american-sentiment.html) was designed to refute Mr. Smallwoods original post on the subject of anti-American sentiment in Korea (http://speakingkorea.com/?p=1418). I aimed to blind myself to my own opinions about America and simply speak the truth as I know it. Mr. Smallwood claims that he did not intend to make an attack on America. I believe his emotions have blinded him to the words he has written. That is for you to judge. I do hold one opinion about our conversation: Repeated citing of Wikpedia is annoying and lazy. Dig deeper my friend. I know you are a journalism major and you should be held accountable.

I am happy to see that Mr. Smallwood has briefly requantified his stance to read that some Koreans hold anti-American sentiment. This is irrefutable (unfortunately later in his post he changes the word some to large amount). He further claims he never intended to praise Canada. This I accept and admit that my own passion on the subject skewed the matter at hand. Thankfully my Canadian cohort acknowledges his country's "little brother" status. This is a relief to me and allows further discussion. I am thankful for the knowledge that I am debating with an open minded individual.

I do not withdraw my comment "You were and are there too. The only difference is your numbers are small and the U.S.A. takes the heat of opinion." As an American, I feel responsible for my country's actions. It is my duty to speak and act out in any manner possible to avert bad behavior from my government. Feel free to use the pronoun toward me when speaking of America.

Now, my main beef. Mr. Smallwood throws the word occupy around liberally. I now take the time and pleasure to define the term. The following is cited from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:

1 : to engage the attention or energies of
2 a : to take up (a place or extent in space) b : to take or fill (an extent in time)
3 a : to take or hold possession or control of b : to fill or perform the functions of (an office or position)
4 : to reside in as an owner or tenant

I assume definition 3a is the intended use of this word. The U.S.A. does possess or occupy military bases in Korea. It is impossible to claim we occupy the country. However, Mr. Smallwood may argue that definition 4 is his intended usage. I argue that the claim the U.S. is a tenant of Korea is false. America is paid to be here (http://www.wri-irg.org/fr/node/7314). I am well aware that this link (I could have chosen many other sources) also points out very clearly the reasons for anti-American sentiment here. I do not deny it. I am simply proving that the U.S. is not a tenant. 55% of the cost is paid for by Korea. The U.S. has no landlord in Korea. The American military is much more favored than a welcomed guest.

My emotional friend also claims that "America dictates Korean foreign policy". Do I need to get the dictionary out again? I can accept that the U.S. influences Korea but by no means dictates anything. The U.S. is here for a reason, that is certain. Many say that the U.S. is against the reunification of the two countries. I would like to point out that China is a large barrier in this as well. I don't want to get into a foreign policy debate. I am doing my very best to respond to Mr. Smallwood's words directly.

Which brings me to a sad point. It is really unfortunate that Mr. Smallwood says the following:

"As for anti-American sentiment, It would be completely impossible to deny there is a large amount of anti-American sentiment in Korea."

What happened to some?


M. Lars said...

My response will be in the comments sections of my latest entry:


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